
Tendonitis is common among Pitcher’s, Golfer’s, Swimmer’s, Jumper’s and Tennis Players. Tendonitis can be defined as a condition that causes tenderness or pain outside the joint.
+Stress on the tendons where they attach to the bones of the elbow causes a slowly-building pain.
+Traditional therapy fails to address the underlying structural causes of Tendonitis.
+Neurosomatic Therapy is highly-successful in restoring proper alignment to alleviate the pain of Tendonitis.
Typically Tendonitis is commonly found in areas we over work daily such as heels, wrists, shoulders, and elbows. Common areas like this become overworked causing excess muscle tension that lead to the tendon being tighter and begins irritating the bone attachment. Pain symptoms may be worse in the morning or late evening. Minor swelling and often a dull ache is associated with tendonitis. If severe enough tendons can rupture and may need surgical treatment.
Commonly thought of as an overuse injury, tendonitis is caused by repeated use, overuse, and improper alignment in the affected area. Alignment issues in structures as far away as the hips may cause corresponding shoulder imbalances which restrict movement and cause pain in the hand, elbow, or arm. Stress from postural distortions causes damage to the tendons which run on the inner and outer side of the knee and ankle. Neurosomatic Therapy has been extremely successful in treating tendonitis. By evaluating and addressing the underlying causes of tendonitis, NST alleviates pressure on the tendons and allows your body to heal fully.
At-home treatments such as application of ice or the wearing of a brace are usually recommended first. Corticosteroid injections, and in severe cases, surgery may attempt to relive this condition. We have found in many cases that Neurosomatic Therapy is able to relieve pain through proper posture restoration, stretching, and strengthening. When we recognize that postural distortions have a profound effect on vital structures in the elbow, knees, wrists, and ankles we have a tremendous opportunity to create healing. By using careful measurements and evaluations Neurosomatic Therapists look at all facets of postural distortion in order to alleviate pain. As with our approach to relieving pain in any situation, creating balance and symmetry is the key.
Call today to let one of our expert therapists answer any questions you may have regarding Tendonitis.